To My Local Police Department

(An Awesome Reader Family update)


Please find below the body of three texts made to my landlord following a home call and two visits by your officers, in which there was found to be no criminal wrongdoing pn my part.

I have, since the last visit yesterday, and as is my habit, gone even beyond my own reasonable commitments in attempting to maintain a workable situation here — even when, as once again in this case, my landlord is doing his best to reneg on his own reasonable commitments to your officers before their departure.

During these trying times, many people are finding it difficult to move on from undesirable living situations.

Your officer suggested that I’d “made a choice to move in with these people” and should therefore cease to disturb their domestic relationship — in fact, I signed a contract to rent a room, which creates a whole different set of parameters and responsibilities for the parties concerned here, and I have gone, willingly and peacefully, for four long months, further out of my way than I think anyone else I know would have been willing to do to indeed stay out of the way of their relationship — ceding use of the entire house to them exclusively while still paying full rent, and bringing in on foot the ice for refrigeration, safe water and laundry I was assured of at the time of rental, as well as surviving on food I can cook with boiling water in-room, and walking out as well for safe mail delivery.

No one can be expected to try harder than I have, and continue to do.

The texts below were made to my landlord today with the intention of clarifying this situation for your records and for all parties involved.

In each of the three, my landlord was at the end given the option to amend the written record via a responding text message.

No responses have been received, leaving their record as stands.

It is my hope that this clarification will prevent the further waste of public monies represented by repeated visits to the same location upon matters — in the case of my own behaviors, at least — both well meaning and strictly civil.

As always, I remain willing to continue to cooperate with law enforcement in any way which I can to preserve the peace, and to further community wellbeing.

Here are the three text messages I sent to my landlord this afternoon without receiving correction from him:


This is simply to confirm for the text record that, twenty four hours after you promised the police that the vent in my bathroom would be reconnected, although you have been in the home today, this repair has still not been made.


This is to confirm for this text record that I have added no further sterile plastic bags of waste to your bathroom trash, nor, in spite of your own continuing evidences of lack of good faith and due diligence, do I intend to do so.


This is to confirm for this text record that the belt knife which I hold in my hand for self-protection when moving between my room door and the sidewalk in front of this property in the process of entering and leaving the home is carried quietly and unthreateningly, tip down, as I go silently past the woman who charged up to my elbow the day before I began this practice, threatening me with death.

I have never “pulled it on” or threatened anyone with it, and I put it into my hand on the same place on the sidewalk each time.

It is carried in a purely preventive capacity, to prevent the violence to which the roommate is very prone, but of which my own lifelong legal record — despite much of it having been spent among the most volatile of our urban poor — carries not even one single suspicion.

No one in this household need fear attack from me, nor do I behave in any fashion which would create the fear of one, or provoke one in return.


Thank you for making this report a part of your records,

Most Sincerely


The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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