Local Update — Email to the Poet’s Mechanic


Okay, so — first of all, I’m not mad — the energy between you and I is totally balanced in my eyes, and goes w-a-a-y beyond mere mechanics, right?

One of my contributions to that flow has been —my specialty — truth — but a forgiving truth, a purely informational one, so you have a whole set of data, a complete picture to move forward with, right? And parts of it I hate, and just can’t do in person, so I offer them in writing, so here you go — information:

The van’s electrical system was not checked correctly.

There’s a whole second fuse panel, right on top of the engine.

In it — among many others — there are not one but two lines running from battery to power ports — both of them, in fact, fused.

Both of these lines are defective. One of them, being the iOS system, can be disabled, the other being the charge port itself, can be unfused most of the time, and refused at times of use, so that’s what I’ll do until I can have the ignition switch repaired, which is best guess as to an actual fix.

I know it’s hard to be the last stop for the buck when it comes to employees, and I think it’s wise that you continue to refer electrical problems out of shop. Since I overheard that you don’t have a go-to yet, Knapek’s is good, and friendly.

So — that’s an uncomfortable truth for you. Mine is that I need to be roadworthy now as soon as possible.


You know I’m real loose about it usually, but my stalker now uses transportation, meaning he has help, meaning I’m facing a community, not an individual any more.

The individual was bad enough.

It’s been a quiet couple of nights, but under those circumstances that means very little — this stalker has enjoyed letting enough time go by to see me smile before destroying it already, many times. I’m sure his new little apprentices are learning fast.

If we’re going to wait a few days to diagnose, put it back together, order parts pretty soon, wait to break it back down and do the repair, I’m essentially a sitting duck, that whole time.

So, if it’s possible, we need to expedite this rear wheel rehabilitation so that, much as it breaks my heart, I can get on the road, toad, right?

I’ll be in Monday after you’ve had a chance to read and process this, to pick up my key and schedule diagnostics.

Much love to everyone there, Ana


Among us, poets are not paid. The poet/editor of this website, being physically disabled, lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Become a patron of the fine arts at: https://www.gofundme.com/are-you-a-patron-of-the-arts

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