Literary Cup

(For WordPress and the Awesome Reader Family — which is also the Awesome Writer Family…)


At leisure be
Now let me see
What my WordPress
Has to cheer
And comfort me…

I know, there,
That I will find
Insights wise
And feelings kind
Like a light
Unto my blind

When I fear
All hope be gone
Upset, depressed
And woebegone
I put my WordPress
Goggles on

Just as I thought
Yes, sure enough
This day might have been
Kind of rough
But here I find
Such strength’ning stuff!

Such self-affirming
Reachout from
Those who see
What we’ll become,
The lilting note
The sprightly drum

The tales of kindness
Over woe,
Of those whom
Inspiration know,
Available in
Healing flow

I afterward
Renewed rise up
Nourished as
By bite and sup
From this
Literary Cup


The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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