Awesome Reader Family Update


Recently this poet, having given up every bit of her home except the space behind the locked door of her own rental room in an effort to keep the peace (with a roommate addicted to war and terminally jealous to boot), and yet still facing a new level of audial invasion even of that space — began withholding rent in an attempt to accumulate the deposit for a hopefully more reasonable situation — although, as longtime Awesome Reader Family members have seen, those, at her ongoing micro-financial level, are virtually nonexistent.

Since then, a number of things have occurred.

The landlord himself lost his job to the health crisis.

Communications occurred between poet and landlord, assisting him hopefully to see events which have unfolded since the very first moments of her tenancy with greater clarity.

The poet will be receiving in April or May a sufficient additional check for a deposit should she indeed have to move yet again.

The offending roommate behaved in an adult fashion while onsite for two days in a row.

When on the third day she once again breeched considerate sound levels, a request from the poet to the landlord regarding a lowering of the unnecessary and disrespectful level was respected and honored — and successfully so.

In light of these events, the poet is happy to return to paying rent until this situation shows her its true colors in a lasting fashion, either for good or for ill.

Oh, don’t get her wrong.

She’d love a real meal, cooked on a stove and prepared on a counter instead of on a hip-high mattress…

Love not to have to walk every drop of water she uses the half mile home from a store to bypass the fouled taps…

Love to be able to do her laundry onsite in peace instead of walking every load of it out that same half mile and then back again…

Love to be able to leave her room door open safely, for household heat, ventilation, and friendly contact with the other roommates (both very decent people)…

Love to be able to buy food in bulk and actually refrigerate it…

Love to be able to leave her room at any time unprepared for verbal or physical combat…


If she is to be allowed the sound levels inside her own room which permit her to continue this work — which for the past two years has been her whole life — she is willing to make those sacrifices — and be grateful, in a world like this one, for that opportunity.

Time will tell whether she will be given even that opportunity.

And thank you, as always, members of this Awesome Reader Family, for your absolutely invaluable prayers, good wishes, visualizations and uplifting words.

I’m so priveledged to have you all on board this beat-up boat.

Whelp — those are the current haps. Onward and… um…?? 🤣


The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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